As the obesity epidemic continues, consumers maintain their search to find a solution that produces immediate and beneficial results for weight loss.  Diet programs and supplements supporting weight loss remain high on the list of options, as the desire for healthy weight management grows.  Surveys reveal consumers will try many methods available to shed pounds, including exercise techniques, trendy diet plans, and weight losssupplements. As of 2011, the weight loss industry was at an estimated $60 billion and was susceptible to further growth, as two-thirds of consumers consider themselves overweight.  Although many have set weight loss goals and have succeeded, the most successful are those who understand the importance of incorporating supplements into their regimen.  As consumers become more educated on the necessities for weight loss management, distributors can hone in on a new market segment and strengthen the reach of their brand.

While many seek ways to improve health through exploring new diet programs, the chances of losing important nutrients are highly possible. Many of the top diet plans on the market focus on specific food groups, and therefore supplementation is necessary to support an overall healthy lifestyle. Supplement distributors can capitalize on this by marketing specific nutritional products and custom supplements to individuals that are on today’s hottest diets.  Private label supplements can easily be produced by your supplement manufacturer to target these profitable categories.

Raw Food Diet

Traces of this diet plan date back as far as the 1800’s and continues to evolve as consumers become educated on the benefits of consuming raw foods. Most of the foods digested are plant-based, which means those partaking of this diet should consider integrating the following supplements into their diets:

Vitamin B-12

Naturally found in meat, this vitamin encourages red blood cell growth and nervous system maintenance.  It also prevents certain types of anemia and helps produce the genetic materials of cells known as DNA. Lack of ingestion of this vitamin can cause damage to the nervous system, problems with balance, mental confusion, and depression.

Vitamin D

This fat-soluble vitamin is naturally present in a few foods, but can be ingested as a dietary supplement.  Sun exposure is the most common means by which skin cells synthesize vitamin D for absorption.   It’s essential in promoting calcium inclusion and maintaining healthy immune function.


Obtaining the recommended daily intake of calcium can be challenging when on the raw food diet, but not impossible. When it comes to finding raw foods enriched with calcium, the selection is minimal.  With that said, it is important that dieters include a calcium supplement.  Calcium is not only good for bone health, but it is also an essential nutrient in muscle contraction and exocytosis.


Known for its concentration of low carbs and high fat intake, this diet is one of the most popular in existence.  Implemented in phases, it’s been stated that much of the weight loss initially is water weight, as the plan induces a diuretic effect.  Below are a few supplements to that support this weight loss plan.


Many dietary sources of biotin are found in carbohydrates, which are not allowed by the Atkins diet plan.  To avoid a deficiency in biotin intake, dieters should consider adding this supplement to their regimen. This nutrient is essential in cell function and supports the function of enzymes needed to produce healthy cells.  Not having enough of this vitamin can cause individuals to experience hair loss, depression, and certain heart conditions.

Vitamin B5

Due to the large amounts of animal fat consumed following this diet plan, dieters may experience an increase of blood cholesterol.  Vitamin B5 can regulate and lower blood cholesterol levels and extract fat.  It’s also addresses some mental problems like stress, anxiety, and depression.

Paleo Diet

This diet is based on the Paleolithic period, when diets consisted of vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots, and meats from animals whose diet consisted of grass and grains.  Today, this diet entails the same premise of eating lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, as well as healthy fats from nuts, seeds oils and grass-fed meat.  Because a lot of staples in this diet have been replaced by refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup breads, and pasteurized milk, this diet guides individuals into a healthier, toxin-free condition which can encourage prolonged existence. Because of the nature of this diet, the following supplements should be included for most favorable health.

Vitamin D

Outside of sun exposure Vitamin D can be absorbed through a supplement capsule.  Accruing the recommended amount can cure rickets, osteomalacia, and other debilitating diseases.  It helps regulate blood pressure, and may also reduce stress and tension.

DHA/EPA Omega 3

Studies show that incorporating Omega -3 fatty acids into one’s dietary routine modifies   inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. It’s essential in cardiovascular health and can be vital in the reduction of blood clots, heartbeat irregularities and lowering blood triglycerides.


Probiotics are crucial in the health of the digestive system.  It helps keep the integrity of the intestinal lining to combat unhealthy bacteria that can prevent the proper breakdown of food.  It also assists in minimizing symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), urinary tract infections, (UTI) and other imbalances.

South Beach Diet

A more balance alternative to the Atkins diet plan, this plan encourages a high carb intake.  This plan is executed through three phases, and although it is more balanced than some of the other plans, it is still imperative to integrate additional supplements to this plan.


Adding a multivitamin to your regimen while on this diet plan simply supplements any missing nutrients. Because there is no long-term prohibition of foods in this plan, specific health concerns aren’t as notable as with other diet plans. With or without a diet plan, multivitamins are the second most recommended supplement.


As the number one recommended supplement, Omega fatty acid provides a range of benefits for optimal everyday health. It supports heart, mental, and joint health in various ways.  Used in a wide range of conditions, Omega-3’s are profoundly known to be an attributing factor in the prevention of strokes, heart disease, kidney problems, and high cholesterol.

Although structured diet plans remain popular with consumers looking to lose weight, other consumers may prefer supplementation designed to help with weight maintenance without following a strict diet. Consumers in this segment are typically more receptive to new product and ingredient introductions to the weight management category, and place more value on advances in supplement manufacturing. Supplement distributors should provide innovative products to these end users, such as Svetol® (a clinically tested Green Coffee Bean Extract product), Raspberry Ketone, Saffron, Relora®, and Forskolin. Providing both customized vitamins to complement today’s hottest diets, as well as GMP certified supplements to directly support weight maintenance, can increase your exposure among your target market.